An anniversary surprise at The Dashwood Arms


There were relatively few of us at The Dashwood Arms, but our number (and the average singing volume) was increased by John McCrae's presence.

John led in a string of oil-related puns after Dave Heath's 'Oil' song. (we were bored, we knew the drill, should have been played on s strata-caster etc etc). He also sang a song he wrote for a couple he knew who were still soppy about each other in their fifties. They apparently cry when they hear Gulf Coast Highway.

This prompted David (F) to tell us that it would be his and Alison's wedding anniversary the following day and that he would play a song written for her in the days when she was out gigging regularly. It's called Bird on the Wing and, apparently, Alison had never heard. Lovely it was too, and a fifty-something couple (but not the one you'd expect) were noted wiping away tears.

Also present were Dick, Norma, Simon, Hilary, Steve (too late to sing Gulf Coast Highway), Rosie and me.

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